
Monday, July 2, 2007


Stonehenge is one of Europe's most famous yet mysterious prehistoric monuments. Once believed to have been by the Druids, new evidence places almost a 1,00 years earlier. Long before the Druids came on the scene.
It is constructed in three circles of standing stone, the outer capped stones called the Sarsen Circle, the small stones of the Bluestone Circle being the middle ring and the large called stones in the center forming the Horseshoe of Sarsen Triothons.

Stonehenge stands a desolate wind-swept plain. In order to reach it, we had to pass through a tunnel up onto the plain. We arrived early in the morning before the crowds arrived. An icy wind made it quite chilly.

The large Sarsen stones were found to have come from the Marlborough Downs some 30kms away to the northeast. Wooden scaffolding is believed to have been used to raise the horizontal cap stones high enough to be slid onto the standing stones.

The ring of 80 slabs known as the Bluestones was quarried in south Wales but this ring was never completed. it was started around 2000 BC, 500 hundred years before the Sarsen Circle.

The Sarsen Trilothons formed a horseshoe in the center of the monument. It was here that the building performed their unknown rituals. The alignment of the stones with the movements of the sun amd moon, suggest the builders had a sophisticated understanding of astronomy. The construction of Stonehenge is at a level comparable with the building of the Great Pyramids. They may well have used the same building techniques.

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